Unique Situation

More people speak Chinese as their mother tongue than any other language. Despite rapid church growth, the Han Chinese are the largest unevangelized people group in the world. Some analysts believe their nation will become not only the most powerful on the globe, but the most powerful in the history of mankind.

Time for Taiwan

The passage of a new law requires the government of China to intervene with force if Taiwan makes a move towards independence, and even if it delays the unification process.

What I learned in Asia (2)

My visit to China in October confirmed and sharpened the impressions I had gained from reading over the past few years. Arriving on the eve of the National Day celebrations, which began October 1 and ran for almost a week, I saw firsthand the immense pride and patriotism of today’s China.

God at Work

Time after time, I heard my friends relate how God has given them strength in the midst of various trials. Their growing faith and deepening love, coupled with their desire to see the Gospel spread, once again evoked my admiration.